Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Education And Capitalism Free Essays
Max Weber was a German sociologist and economist who contributed very much on economic and quite a durable and brilliant work on administrative system. Maxweber tried to provide ways to the people through which they could avoid oppression by suggesting ways and means like inciting people to encourage others to work hard and develop enterprises as well as making investments. This could enable them to grow economically. We will write a custom essay sample on Education And Capitalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now He also established theories like bureaucracy that addressed to better administrative methods that involved no authoritarianism. Capitalism. This can be defined as a means through which economic relations involving production means are organized. These may include enterprises, firms, knowledge or factories. A theory is a systematic organized knowledge as thought that explains some phenomena. It is an endeavour to understand each and a rational explanation of how something is put together or why it works and why it works that way. An idea is a concept, notion that one has on something. Capitalism according to Weber came into existence when the Protestants put influence on so many people to get motivated in working and work hard, developing so many big and prosperous enterprises. They also encouraged the people to participate largely in trade and make savings for investment. I also suppose that availability of free markets and opportunities for innovation are guaranteed. This essay is going to express the theories and ideas that were manifested on education and capitalism by Max Weber. Discussion. Max Weber suggested that strength of capitalism in a country or state is determined mainly by the power manifested by the country or state. This means that more powerful countries have stronger controls over their education and hence their education systems are well established and very worth. They also have a wide control over their worker regulations and therefore in relation to education, educational staff is well treated and motivation is ensured. This leads to improvement in education. According to Weber, capitalism evolved when the protestant ethnic influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. If a few become systematic in pursuit of money, others will end up as their employees. Max Weber’s theory of capitalism being a very strong tool used by the people to develop economically as well as socially has a very strong influence on education. This is related in that more educational institutions will be established in line with strong and stable economy. In addition, more people will be able to access education and this result to a more learned society where technology and innovation will be in abundant. Max Weber’s idea that bureaucracy should be ended in firms and such as industries and educational institutions that impacted a lot on education. Workers in educational institutions could now work freely without intimidation and even merit was employed in employment. Max Weber also is for the idea that capitalism in a major power system that any society or organization adapts. When adapted by a school which is an organization, a lot of activities like research and teaching will be on their way up. The capitalists also have a strong influence on the government and funding will be provided to the learning institutions. Funding to research activities will also be possible and hence growth in the learning institutions will be experienced. According to Max Weber’s ideas, capitalists were very hardworking people committed to seeing growth in economy and investing widely. Job opportunities were thus provided to those who acquired education and this led to very fast growth of learning institutions, both lower and higher. Generally, Max Weber’s ideas and theories have revealed that capitalism had many positive outcomes on education. The fact that it involved strong education to working hard towards economic and social growth, suggests that a strong base was built for development of education. Through establishment of strong economic base, it has been established that funding to the educational institutions was easy and this enabled conducting of researches building of learning resources like laboratories and acquisitions of learning materials to be very easy (Weber, 1978). He also goes further to address on the social, political and economic functions that resulted as evidenced in the increasing sense of conflict between individuals and organizations like schools. He used bureaucracy theory to do this and this led to a fairer, more impartial, more predictable, more rational and orderly organizational systems (Whimster, Sam, Lash, 1987). The workers in the educational systems could now be comfortable in their work. Authoritarianism in the capitalistic institutions was very much avoided. For a state or country that has a very strong capitalism, it has been established that their education background and development is quite easy since financial support is readily available. Mawebers theories and ideas on education and capitalism are still relevant to presently society. This is evidenced by the fact that those countries and states that have a strong economic growth are the ones likely to have prospered well in education. This is depicted in the technologies and innovations that are available in a country or a state (Political Writings, 1994). However, this does not lock out those developing countries. Capitalism is still taking effect in this countries and education on way up. This suggests that at one point t, these countries will be well established and education systems and background will be strong. Capitalism is a very strong tool in every society and it is this capitalist that influences the formation of policies and rules in any organization, institutions like schools as well as the entire governments. (Joseph, Jonathan (2003). They do this in capacity of politicians in the presently society making laws, policies and implementation still have a very strong influence from the politicians. Capitalism according to Maweber led to a strong economic base, which saw establishment of so many business enterprises and organizations. This led to increases need for labour and as a result many people had to provide labour in the enterprises something, which led to most people dropping their education. This is a negative effect of capitalism on education. Capitalisms also according to Maxweber insisted on division of labor (Runciman, 1972). This led to participation of the workers and consequently decline in performance. Conclusion. Capitalism as have been found out had and still has a very strong impact on education. Through capitalization, education finds a very strong base on which it grows to reach most of the people. This is ensured by strong economic ground that capitalism establishes whereby people as a result can access all the requirements necessary for acquiring education. Resources like learning materials are easily available and also schools and other learning institutions are widely established. Through capitalism, education is able to thrive very well and this means that people get educated which can be explained in terms of technological advancement of a country or state. This educated people will be able to discover new things through conducting researches as well as innovating new ideologies. Capitalism has also contributed to job opportunities through education. For example people learn new ideas and ways of doing things from maybe industries or other business enterprises. Those who pass knowledge to these people are themselves employees of these organizations and have acquired their jobs through intensified capitalism. Although capitalism somehow affected education earlier in that most people ended into providing labour in developing enterprises and industries failing to access education, the positive impacts are much more. Capitalism thus have a very great positive impact on education. How to cite Education And Capitalism, Papers
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