Thursday, May 21, 2020
Socrates s Theory Of Knowledge - 895 Words
In Phaedo, Socrates argued that knowledge is not learned, but recollected. Socrates used the example of sticks and stones, proving that our perception of the stones change. The stones may look equal from one angle, but different from another angle. This proves that we understand Equality, but Equality does not exist in the real world because it cannot be a real object. Socrates stated â€Å"we must then possess knowledge of the Equal before that time we first saw the equal objects and realized that all these objects strive to be like the Equal but are deficient in this [...] we must have possessed knowledge of the equal itself if we refer our senses perception of equal objects to it†(Plato, 75a-75b, pp. 113). Socrates believed that this knowledge, just as Equality, was not gained through our senses in our lifetime, but was present before our birth. When we use this knowledge, we are not learning, we are actually recollecting. In Plato’s analogy of the divided line, Soc rates and Glaucon discuss the ways in which we access knowledge. Socrates gives an example of the divided line, the line is divided into the intelligible and the visible. The visible is accessed through our senses, they are the reflections and shadows, which are version of the object. These reflections and shadows are the least reliable. In the visible world, there are also opinions. Opinions are formed through the interaction of objects, but they are not reality. The other side of the line is the intelligible,Show MoreRelatedSocrates s Theory Of Knowledge1130 Words  | 5 PagesIn Socrates’ work, Phaedo, transcribed by Plato, Socrates is in jail after loosing his trial. He has been sentenced to death, and is now awaiting to be put to death. On the day of his death, Socrates is visited by a few of his followers who have been loyal for a long time. Fearing his death, they have a last conversation with Socrates trying to get some of the last philosophical knowledge out of hi m that they can get. In this conversation, Socrates tells his interlocutors a lot about life and virtueRead MoreSocrates s Theory Of Recollection1216 Words  | 5 PagesI will show that Socrates answer to Meno s paradox was unsuccessful. First, I will explain what Meno s paradox is and how the question of what virtue is was raised. Second, I will explain Socrates attempt to answer the paradox with his theory of recollection and how he believes the soul is immortal. Third, I will provide an argument for why his response was unsuccessful. 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In Meno, Socrates states that, â€Å"As the soul is immortalRead MoreSocrates And Aristotle s Life1491 Words  | 6 Pages forming a foundation upon which Western philosophers build to the present day. Socrates and Aristotle were two key individuals credited for their roles in the advent of Classical philosophy. Men in ancient Greece lived relatively privileged lives (save for war, disease, and lack of indoor plumbing), giving rise to a class of people able to devote time to leisurely pursuits and intellectual inquiry. Indeed, Socrates and Aristotle were far from the only free men in ancient Greece to contemplate truthRead More Plato s Theory Of Recollection1373 Words  | 6 PagesThe general topic is Plato’s theory of recollection. Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection the plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? Throughout many of his dialogues Plato often concludes that we cannot know something through our senses. He often concludes that we became acquainted with our knowledge in a previous existence. In Meno, Socrates states that, â€Å"As the soul is immortal, has been born often, and has seen all things here and in the underworld, there is nothing which it has not learned;Read MorePlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 PagesGreek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and shows his views on the world. Throughout his personal life, writings, and dialogues, Plato shows his value of knowledge and how each of his writings impacted the morals of people in the society. Plato was born in 427 BCE in Athens whichRead MoreSocrates World Views1549 Words  | 7 PagesSocrates Paper The goal of this paper is to discern and construct the world views of Socrates through the various readings, lectures and videos that we have seen in class. Some of these sources include: Socrates by G. Rudebusch; excerpts from The Last Days of Socrates by Plato; and The Allegory of a Cave. Of the nine world views covered in class, I will delve into my interpretation of four of them as seen through the various sources that we have been exposed to in class. These four world views willRead MoreAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean 1109 Words  | 5 Pageshuman knowledge in existence during his time, and he was the founder of many new fields. Aristotle was one of the most influential of the ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle s theory of the Golden Mean was found in his work, Nicomachean Ethics. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Editing and Montage Film - 638 Words
â€Å"Once I understood that editing is crucial to how a film is made, I was hooked. Imagine: placed in your hands is fantastic raw footage that 250 people have created during shooting. You and the director are then allowed to sculpt this raw material into something that has structure, rhythm and pace, that builds characters, that creates dramatic peaks and lows and that hopefully has a good ending. Editing is an incredibly rewarding profession. Film editing is described, when typed in to google as â€Å"the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film†`but it is much more than just that. If done well it is invisible but also has the ability to control a film, even control the viewer watching the film. The process of editing film has been around nearly as long as film itself. After the cinema of attractions, people realised a narrative story could be constructed by splicing ends of celluloid together to tell a story. The most famous early example of this is The Great Train Robbery (1903) directed by Edwin S. Porter. Before Porters film the cinema of attractions consisted of single shot films of streets and crowded areas, projected later that day so that the people could see themselves on the big screen. As the 1900’s marched on so did editing and montage. The Great Train Robbery had established that it was possible to create a narrative by cutting film. The next decade would build on that and establish rules which apply to films today. OneShow MoreRelatedFilm As An Art Form1643 Words  | 7 Pagesimported and old Russian films in cinemas soon increased, paving the way for emerging Soviet directors to produce new films. This movement, although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as an art form. A method of this was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. Both Sergei Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin are key directors and theorists of the Soviet film industry who used the freedom of editing to create new exciting theories of montage which have been implementedRead MoreMontage From The Soviet Era Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesMontage The use of montage dates back to the days of Eisenstein and it has greatly transformed the film industry in several major ways. Montage has been used in the film industry to combine several series of short shots into a continuous film that can be watch by audience. This essay is aimed at illustrating the history of Montage from the Soviet era in the 1930s especially the use of the Soviet montage theory to better the quality of films that we watch today. The connotation of the word â€Å"montage†Read MoreFilm As An Art Form1721 Words  | 7 Pagesand old Russian films in cinemas soon increased, this lead the way for emerging soviet directors to produce new films. This movement although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as an art form. A method of this, was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. Sergei Eisenstein is one of the key directors and theorist in soviet film; the work of Vsevolod Pudovkin also. Both used the freedom of editing, to create new exciting theories of montage, to which canRead MoreThe Technique Of Film Video Editing History Theory And Practice1100 Words  | 5 PagesTechnique of Film Video Editing History Theory and Practice we can clearly see how editing has changed from the earliest films, when editing was nonexistent to a time when the camera never moved when shooting a scene to a time where you can use montage concepts to make a film more dynamic for the viewer. These were all different stages editing has gone through to get to the point where can use editing as a story telling tool which is just as important as the any other part of creating a film. EdwinRead MoreDo The Right Thing Analysis1257 Words  | 6 Pagescontribute to the significance of a film. Cinematography, is one important element in which the camera is used to capture visual images through a number of other controllable elements such as; camera lens, framing, scale, movement etc. Editing is another fundamental component of film studies in which different shots are put together in a coherent sequence in order to make meaning of a film. In the film â€Å"Do The Right Thing†by Spike Lee, cinematography and editing serve as critical components to emphasizeRead MoreMotivational Essay : An Interview With Film Editor Walter Murch1391 Words  | 6 PagesMOTIVATIONAL ESSAY JOURNAL ALEXANDROS PATERIMOS 21700191 EDITING Y1 T1 SUMMARIES OF READINGS: AN INTERVIEW WITH FILM EDITOR WALTER MURCH: †¢ to make a convincing action sequence: - approximately 14 different camera angles/minute needed - too many more/less than 14 will disengage audience †¢ perceiving brain reacts differently to new visual info than to something seen before †¢ engaging dialogue scenes need approximately 4 different camera angles/minute - too many more will make it hard for audienceRead MoreLev Vladimirovich Kuleshov and The Moscow Film School Essay918 Words  | 4 PagesWhen film first started gaining popularity, it want’s as obvious that be connecting two different images, we would assume their relation. Film simply document events that occurred, it wasn’t until the enterprising pioneers of early cinema took hold that they began to manipulate their audience into following a story their way and feeling it in those exact steps. Lev Vladimirovich Kuleshov a Soviet filmmaker and film theorist in the 1920s who taught at and helped establish the world’s first film schoolRead MoreClassical Movie Theories And Realism1433 Words  | 6 PagesOption 2 Classical film theories are generally divided into two main camps. They have been categorized as Formalism and Realism. The formalist approach looks at the structure and form of the film. It analyzes the method by which the story materializes and how it forces the viewer to react based on the way it is presented. It incorporates character development, photographic composition, camera movement, set design, editing, etc. to that end. The realist approach scrutinizes how a film represents â€Å"realityRead MoreWho was Vsevold Pudovkin? Essay1467 Words  | 6 PagesGriffiths film â€Å" Intolerance†he was inspired to follow film. He applied to the Sate Institute of Cinematography at Moscow in 1919. However in 1919 film was still a very young art form and ideas and techniques that are commonplace today were just being developed at that time. Pudovkin most influential role in the world cinema was his theories on editing. He recorded that editing is an aspect of film art form, w hich completely different compared to other forms of art. He believed editing shots togetherRead MoreHow Did The Odessa Steps Sequence Influence The Theory Of Montage1144 Words  | 5 Pagestheory of montage in film? The Battleship Potemkin, is a soviet film directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1925. Sergei Eisenstein was a brief student at The Kuleshov Workshop, which was a class run by Soviet filmmaker, Lev Kuleshov at the Moscow Film School. The school was established in 1919, and is the world’s first film school. The Kuleshov Workshop explored the effects of juxtaposition in film, and how sequential shots convey a specific meaning. Kuleshov and his students analyzed many films for research
Education And Capitalism Free Essays
Max Weber was a German sociologist and economist who contributed very much on economic and quite a durable and brilliant work on administrative system. Maxweber tried to provide ways to the people through which they could avoid oppression by suggesting ways and means like inciting people to encourage others to work hard and develop enterprises as well as making investments. This could enable them to grow economically. We will write a custom essay sample on Education And Capitalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now He also established theories like bureaucracy that addressed to better administrative methods that involved no authoritarianism. Capitalism. This can be defined as a means through which economic relations involving production means are organized. These may include enterprises, firms, knowledge or factories. A theory is a systematic organized knowledge as thought that explains some phenomena. It is an endeavour to understand each and a rational explanation of how something is put together or why it works and why it works that way. An idea is a concept, notion that one has on something. Capitalism according to Weber came into existence when the Protestants put influence on so many people to get motivated in working and work hard, developing so many big and prosperous enterprises. They also encouraged the people to participate largely in trade and make savings for investment. I also suppose that availability of free markets and opportunities for innovation are guaranteed. This essay is going to express the theories and ideas that were manifested on education and capitalism by Max Weber. Discussion. Max Weber suggested that strength of capitalism in a country or state is determined mainly by the power manifested by the country or state. This means that more powerful countries have stronger controls over their education and hence their education systems are well established and very worth. They also have a wide control over their worker regulations and therefore in relation to education, educational staff is well treated and motivation is ensured. This leads to improvement in education. According to Weber, capitalism evolved when the protestant ethnic influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. If a few become systematic in pursuit of money, others will end up as their employees. Max Weber’s theory of capitalism being a very strong tool used by the people to develop economically as well as socially has a very strong influence on education. This is related in that more educational institutions will be established in line with strong and stable economy. In addition, more people will be able to access education and this result to a more learned society where technology and innovation will be in abundant. Max Weber’s idea that bureaucracy should be ended in firms and such as industries and educational institutions that impacted a lot on education. Workers in educational institutions could now work freely without intimidation and even merit was employed in employment. Max Weber also is for the idea that capitalism in a major power system that any society or organization adapts. When adapted by a school which is an organization, a lot of activities like research and teaching will be on their way up. The capitalists also have a strong influence on the government and funding will be provided to the learning institutions. Funding to research activities will also be possible and hence growth in the learning institutions will be experienced. According to Max Weber’s ideas, capitalists were very hardworking people committed to seeing growth in economy and investing widely. Job opportunities were thus provided to those who acquired education and this led to very fast growth of learning institutions, both lower and higher. Generally, Max Weber’s ideas and theories have revealed that capitalism had many positive outcomes on education. The fact that it involved strong education to working hard towards economic and social growth, suggests that a strong base was built for development of education. Through establishment of strong economic base, it has been established that funding to the educational institutions was easy and this enabled conducting of researches building of learning resources like laboratories and acquisitions of learning materials to be very easy (Weber, 1978). He also goes further to address on the social, political and economic functions that resulted as evidenced in the increasing sense of conflict between individuals and organizations like schools. He used bureaucracy theory to do this and this led to a fairer, more impartial, more predictable, more rational and orderly organizational systems (Whimster, Sam, Lash, 1987). The workers in the educational systems could now be comfortable in their work. Authoritarianism in the capitalistic institutions was very much avoided. For a state or country that has a very strong capitalism, it has been established that their education background and development is quite easy since financial support is readily available. Mawebers theories and ideas on education and capitalism are still relevant to presently society. This is evidenced by the fact that those countries and states that have a strong economic growth are the ones likely to have prospered well in education. This is depicted in the technologies and innovations that are available in a country or a state (Political Writings, 1994). However, this does not lock out those developing countries. Capitalism is still taking effect in this countries and education on way up. This suggests that at one point t, these countries will be well established and education systems and background will be strong. Capitalism is a very strong tool in every society and it is this capitalist that influences the formation of policies and rules in any organization, institutions like schools as well as the entire governments. (Joseph, Jonathan (2003). They do this in capacity of politicians in the presently society making laws, policies and implementation still have a very strong influence from the politicians. Capitalism according to Maweber led to a strong economic base, which saw establishment of so many business enterprises and organizations. This led to increases need for labour and as a result many people had to provide labour in the enterprises something, which led to most people dropping their education. This is a negative effect of capitalism on education. Capitalisms also according to Maxweber insisted on division of labor (Runciman, 1972). This led to participation of the workers and consequently decline in performance. Conclusion. Capitalism as have been found out had and still has a very strong impact on education. Through capitalization, education finds a very strong base on which it grows to reach most of the people. This is ensured by strong economic ground that capitalism establishes whereby people as a result can access all the requirements necessary for acquiring education. Resources like learning materials are easily available and also schools and other learning institutions are widely established. Through capitalism, education is able to thrive very well and this means that people get educated which can be explained in terms of technological advancement of a country or state. This educated people will be able to discover new things through conducting researches as well as innovating new ideologies. Capitalism has also contributed to job opportunities through education. For example people learn new ideas and ways of doing things from maybe industries or other business enterprises. Those who pass knowledge to these people are themselves employees of these organizations and have acquired their jobs through intensified capitalism. Although capitalism somehow affected education earlier in that most people ended into providing labour in developing enterprises and industries failing to access education, the positive impacts are much more. Capitalism thus have a very great positive impact on education. How to cite Education And Capitalism, Papers
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