Monday, August 24, 2020
Prime Ministers can never behave like Presidents. Therefore, the Essay - 1
PMs can never carry on like Presidents. Subsequently, the presidentialisation of parliamentary popular governments proposition is misinformed. Examine - Essay Example 2010). This mounting discontent in a few parliamentary majority rule governments is occurring against the background of a well known development toward singular headship by the CEO. This has not been supplemented by new apparatuses that would empower the electorate to make their pioneers, rather than the parliamentarians and gatherings, mindful (Mughan 2000). The instance of Britain, and existing pre-political race development, uncovers these contentions well. Tony Blair satisfies voters based on his notoriety, yet the electorate can't censure or prize the leader legitimately. Their sole force is to help or contradict his/her gathering, whose control on its pioneer is normally seen as limited (Flinders, Gamble, Hay and Kenny 2009). This uniqueness in responsibility has expanded over the ongoing decades. Albeit political administration techniques and discretionary interests in Britain all through the previous three decades have gotten always presidential and individualized, the framework stays conclusively party and parliamentary based (Gunther, Montero and Puhle 2007). The development of this ‘individualisation’ of political initiative has been followed by the creator of The British Presidency, Michael Foley (2000). He asserted that it is, somewhat, the politicians’ response to the media condition. Policymakers hate the media’s center around uncovering character clashes and the manipulative instruments of contemporary governmental issues, ignoring arrangement and thoughts, making policy driven issues crisis features. There are, essentially, likenesses and contrasts between presidential CEOs and head administrators, however both require two significant force hardware to work effectively: authority over the parliament, and force inside the official (Samuels and Shugart 2010). By and large, the United States, the most conspicuous instance of presidentialism, has an official which positively holds the main force source, however
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Clunker Laws Essay Research Paper IntroI Bet free essay sample
Clunker Laws Essay, Research Paper Introduction: I Bet that generally every one of you like legitimate cars. That is to say, what # 8217 ; s non to wish. In the event that it # 8217 ; s non the thundering of a huge square underneath, so it # 8217 ; s the vibe of the air current in your hair when you drive your reestablished 1971 Plymouth Cuda Convertible. It # 8217 ; s manfully, it # 8217 ; s American, it # 8217 ; s only clearly cool to be found in any of the musculus auto age vehicles. Everybody has had a more seasoned auto. On the off chance that you # 8217 ; re non driving it since it # 8217 ; s cool, so you # 8217 ; re driving it since it # 8217 ; s the solitary thing you can manage. No undertaking why you # 8217 ; re driving a more established auto doesn # 8217 ; t issue, It # 8217 ; s your privilege as an American to ain and drive whatever kind of auto you please. Be that as it may, for to what extent? ? ? In the event that the amazing EPA bureaucratism, Industrial factories, and Vice President Al Gore have their way, such huge numbers of us will be constrained into the acquisition of more up to date, less-contaminating vehicles, a significant number of which we can non manage. We will compose a custom paper test on Clunker Laws Essay Research Paper IntroI Bet or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page On June 2, 1995, Governor Whitman of New Jersey marked resolution law # SCS-1700. It is NOW LAW, and is to the full executed against all New Jersey auto and truck owners. Quickly, SCS-1700 states the supporters: Every single engine vehicle more than four mature ages old will be required to depict to new CENTRALIZED Testing FACILITIES for # 8220 ; ENHANCED EMISSIONS Investigations # 8221 ; If your auto or truck bombs this test-the vehicle MUST be removed the course. Just three for every centum of those vehicles disregarding the preliminary and holding previously spent a lower breaking point of $ 450 for fixs will be conceded a discharge leting them to remain on the course for two increasingly mature ages. You have no supplication and no different alternatives. Engine vehicle surveys cost $ 24. The I/M ENHANCED EMISSIONS TEST, in which an administrator # 8220 ; drives # 8221 ; your auto through a phony ergometer course preliminary, is DESIGNED TO FAIL 60 % OF ALL CARS, this orchestrating to the EPA. Practically no vehicles more than 10 mature ages old are relied upon to experience. You have no security against hurt or the annihilation of your vehicle by such accentuation demonstrating techniques. 97 % of those vehicles disregarding the new upgraded spreads test have their enlistment recovery consequently denied by the area. Such vehicles can non be offered to any oth er single or merchant and essentially go FORFEITED TO THE STATE†¦ which will have â€Å"pollution credits†they can offer to modern defilers for each vehicle they remove the course. Proprietors of bombed vehicles must surrender their permit command posts inside 45 days†¦and since NJ statute as of now denies you from holding an unregistered vehicle on your ain things, neighborhood law authorization can so prehend it voluntarily. Helping it in this endeavor, NJ DEP late modified the state’s meaning of â€Å"quasi public†to incorporate â€Å"ALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS††Yes, you’ve other than lost your private things rights! Fixes can only be endeavored by a STATE CERTIFIED REPAIR FACILITY # 8230 ; to which you have no state about work quality or cost. You can no longer legally execute radiations related fixs yourself, nor would you be able to take it to your confided in engineer ( except if they premier get region emancipation and put $ 100,000 in hardware ) . As segment of SCS-1700, boundaries will be set up all through the region to haphazardly demonstrate a for each centum all things considered. Robotized feeling gadgets will be introduced along New Jersey thruways to manage your vehicle # 8217 ; s radiations as you drive by. Violators of the new transmission models will hold their tags PHOTOGRAPHED ; in this manner empowering the region to give biddings through the mail. Serious disciplines, mulcts, and gaol cut have been appended to all misdeeds of this new resolution law. Truth be told, the region will get down kicking back a board of trustees to neighborhood constabulary for their guide in prehending your auto! Keep in mind, SCS-1700 is planned for TAKING YOUR CAR OFF THE ROAD! It is planned for bring forthing one auto family units. Authority, dragster, and specialist cars are history. A trim auto for nearby excursions, a young driver, understudy, or the suburbanite park and drive is history. That definitive Mustang convertible has been reclassified as a # 8220 ; net defiler # 8221 ; and is currently focused by the territory for the smasher. Numerous auto and truck related concerns will suffer or disregard. Unexpectedly, territory functionaries are asking you begin rescuing your cash presently to buy another auto # 8211 ; an inconceivability for most people given our present neighborhood income improvement heap of around 50 % .
Monday, July 20, 2020
Ford Motors Marketing Strategy
Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Home›Marketing Posts›Ford Motors Marketing Strategy Marketing PostsIntroductionMarketing: Is defined as a managerial function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and deliver values to clients managing customers’ relationships in ways that promote the institute and the stakeholders. Marketing is derived from its original meaning of going to a marketplace to purchase or sell commodities or services.Marketing is defined by the agreement of Institute of promotion as the management course responsible for categorizing, foreseeing and satisfying consumer necessities beneficiallyâ€Marketing activities are often seen as imaginative business in the history, including advertising, distribution, and promotion and selling.In marketing there is always achieving organizational goals and this depends on knowing the requirements and needs of the market targeted and deliver the preferred satisfactions. For one to meet the organizational goals, an organization should expect the wants and needs of customers and satisfy them very effectively than competitors.Marketing is used to recognize the buyer, gratify the customer, and hold the client. With the customer as the focal point of its activities, Marketing is evolved to meet the status in developing new markets as a result of mature markets.Information system (IS): This is a combination of information technology and peoples activities by use of knowledge to sustain operations, organization, and managerial.In wide sense, information system is regularly used to refer to the communication among people, data, technology and algorithmic processes, in this sense. Furthermore, the expression is a used in the way how which people interrelate with these technologies in support of processes the process of trade. (Chappell, 2005)Why to spend days and nights on research if is eager to assist you? If academic research is too complex for you, do not hesitate to contac t us at and buy a research paper according to your expectations.Information systems and information technology are two different things though usually confusing, Information system IS normally has an ICT component. It is also different from business processes. Information systems is used to manage the business performance processesIS can be termed as work system type which is a scheme in which humans and machinery do work using resources like ICT to make precise goods and services for consumers. It is therefore a work system whose activities are dedicated to dispensation of information.BackgroundThe company Ford Motor is an American international automaker situated in Michigan a suburb of Detroit and Dearborn. It was founded by Henry Ford and integrated in 1903 16, June .Apart from the Lincoln and ford brands, He also owns a little stake in Mazda Japan and Martin Aston in the United Kingdom. Fords previous UK subsidiaries Land Rover and Jaguar They were sold to Tata Motors of India in the year 2008 March. He also sold Volvo to Geely Automobile in 2010 and in the end of 2010 discontinued the Mercury brand.He is the next main auto producer in the U. S and fifth-biggest in the planet basing on yearly vehicle sales in the year 2010. By the end of 2010, he was the fifth largest automaker in Europe. He is the eighth-ranked overall company based in American than any other automaker.IS consists of input, output processing, and feedback. It helps to produce the information that relations need to get improved decision-making, solving the problem, operations controlling, and new products creation or services.It assists a business as they contain major information about an exacting customer, place, and event that take place in the institute or the surroundings. IS are not always relevant for smaller stores as compared to larger corporations.FORD MARKETING STRATEGYFord has spent the past three years engaging clientele using an impressive, prog ressive digital marketing policy. The carmakers hard work is paying off: Fords U.S. sales are up nearly 22 percent in this year. Thats twice the increase rate of the industry as a whole, reported the Reuters recently.Appreciation to the companys obligation to creating significant relationships with clients, capital, and employing online marketer’s .Ford has rapidly become a leading brand name within the instant marketing and collective intermediate places.Forth has in the recent passed used innovative methods that include Face-book, Twitter, YouTube and other content online strategies. As a consequence, it has been able to meet its PR needs and thereby unifying its messages and convincing a clientele that continues to remain loyal through the strategy of “accessibility and transparencyâ€. This has let to Ford attracting consumer interest in its brand.The results of this strategy has been very effective and according to Ford’s Head of Marketing, Jim Farley, Clients are spendin g more of their time with their cellular phone, smart phone or in the internet as they are watching over TV now, so our promotion dollars can flow to where the general public people are, Farley told Reuters. The objective, he clarified, is to effectively break into their globallyThe Ford approach shows that one must understand the perception of the public about ones brand, the need to change it as time demands, and the eagerness to try sensible method to achieve your goals. He was inventive enough to see the need and chance in marketing using the digital technology. Of its total budget, Ford uses, 25 percent on digital technology and media, reports Reuters.Ford designs messages to reach diverse audience and target consumers using these various technologies like MyFord Touch System for entertainment, navigation and communications in its campaign activities which include, among others, YouTube.The Ford Motor Company online publicity is also focused reaching the right customers a nd consumers. The brand, for instance, connects with the technology savvy, which watch and do listening “This Week in Tech, a very popular technology programs on the web. They promote technology driven products such as MyFord Touch.Ford also leverages its relationships and social networks through innovations like bloggers. In 2009, the company established these networks and linkages with opinion shapers and entertainers to promote the release of its Fiesta subcompact car in the U.S. The company used the accessible to all Face book forums to present new product features to potential fans much ahead of traditional press such as car shows.The lessons we can learn from the Ford example is that a good strategy is to present a relevant message wherever the clientele or consumers are and where they socialize and they will be able enhance the message to great advantage. The strategy has worked for the Ford Motors brand image since it was launched. ALG points out that, an organization th at follows purchaser awareness, Ford Vehicles “take a lead in all brands and perceived quality since 2008,†reported Reuters. Everybody is part of in instant marketing, purchaser auto confer with expert Vogelheim Charlie told Reuters. The magnitude that Ford is doing it, packaging it around events and utilizes the media with its initiate, with the purpose where the Ford is always leadingLooking where to BUY AN ESSAY?Save your time and money! Use professionals service to get an A+ paper Place an order get 15%offfor your first orderUse of information systems in a marketing strategyRegardless of customer’s prize tailored service, cutting edge products, or haste and effectiveness, a corporation/company should select a functional model and technology so as to support one of its selected worth discipline.For any company to endure in the coming future, they must be able to provide more of what their customers’ value the most early enough earlier than the op position can. The operating model of a company should be able to support the company’s overall value discipline with a focus that is unwavering, regardless of its personalized price service, speed and the efficiency of the operations and its leading edge products. There are various needs for the uses of information systems in an organization that is growing and competitive in the market. Information systems are used especially in the marketing strategy in order to cut a niche in the motor market. Information systems can make a company is able to create value for its customers in places that matters the most.Information systems are very crucial in designing a marketing strategy because curbs the intense competition in the motor industry. There is a lot of competition in the industry and it is just the use of information systems that can give a company an upper hand over the other. Information systems makes the company be more effective and efficient in their marketing operations.In formation technology can reduce the operating cost of the company. This is because, the use of IS reduces the bulkiness of the information to be conveyed and reduce the time that needs to be spent designing the marketing materials. They save on the time spent on creating marketing materials and thus give the company an added advantage in doing other things that adds value to the organizations operations.It is therefore, clear that the Ford Motors have employed this marketing strategy to be able to maintain the motor market worldwide. For example, the creation of 3D images for advertising makes the products of the company look real and attractive. The customers will be attracted to the images that are portrayed and would want to buy such products and be associated with them.The globalization of business operations in the Motor industry has changed over a very long time. The world has become really small and the pace at which things operate is very fast. Companies have realized the ne ed to use technology in order to capture the market need. It is only through the use of the emerging Medias like the internet and television that a company will be able to reach a wide range of customers. The Ford Motors have employed such strategies and this has enabled them maintain their niche and reach a wider range of people.For organizational change, there is a paramount need for any growing company. The Ford Company was established in 1903 at an era that technology was inconsequential, but in this age of technology and information systems, the Ford Company is still moving strong and still maintaining its market share. It is due to the effective and efficient marketing department that is vigilant with the changes in the society. It has been able to arrest the changes that are occurring in the environment and being able to incorporate it to the company.The generational change in the organizations personnel is one of the crucial ways of adopting technology. The continuous proces s of recruitment is very important. It enables the company to hire young generations that are vast with the technology system. They bring in innovativeness and creativity and as such they are able to bring new idea to the marketing strategies. They are able to put in new blood and the life that is required to be able to attract the people of the 21st generation who are the most consumers today. (Currie, 1999)They young generation are said to be the most consumer, their lifestyle is very fancy and need the use of accessories that gives the motor industry the market. It is just up to the motor industry to reach to the relevant consumers by designing a marketing strategy that appeal to the target clients.With technology revolution today, any company should be at par with it in order to make an impact in the business world. For the Ford Motors, has been able to employ all these strategies in order to maintain its share. The 21st century is one of rapid technology were everything has t o be fast and reach the target market in good time when the information is still relevant.The technologies changes with time and the Ford Motors have been able to change do this with time. They have been able to ensure quality assurance in all their products via information systems and have been able to meet consumers worldwide. They have a watchdog that its main work is to monitor the trends in the relevant industry and report to the marketing department so that they can be able to take the relevant measures.For a lot of organizations, one of the initial steps is often the hardest and requires valour, doggedness, and self-assurance to determine what customer truthfully value. If the merchandise and forces that companies are equipped to make available are not in synch with purchaser requirements, they have got to be transformed.In other words Information Systems (IS) is a scientific field of study that address the variety of strategic, administrative and operational tricks concerned in the meeting, dispensation, storing, supply and use of information, and the linked technology, in the social order and institution. The term information systems used to portray an organizational purpose that relates IS facts in manufacturing, government organizations and not-for-profit institution. IS is often referred to the communication between algorithmic procedure and know-how. This communication can take place inside or crossways managerial limits.An information system is not simply the technology an organization or institution uses, but also how the organizations work together with the machinery and the how the technologies operates with the organization’s business procedure.ConclusionInformation systems are put into practice inside an organization for the reason of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of that organization. The capabilities of the IS and uniqueness of the organization, its work systems, its employees, and its progress and achievement methodologies mutually verify the degree to which that principle is achieved.Marketing management relies on a variety of technology inside the range of its promotion efforts. Computer-based information systems can be engaged, aiding in improved dispensation and storage space of information. Marketing researchers use the systems to invent improved methods of translating data into information, and for the formation of improved statistics gathering technique. Information technology also aid in ornamental an MKIS software and hardware mechanism, and advance a companys selling decision-making procedures.Ford, as a company, has dedicated a lot of time and money in improving superiority within their operation as and their products. They recognized the overseas car makers were see to be much more technically sophisticated and had achieved a point of superiority than the American car makers. Hen also discovered that they were not able to keep up with the rapidly changing technology and not competent to meet up the order for new and innovative car plan. By focusing on Quality, Ford is now able to react more quickly to consumer demands because they can manufacture their product more efficiently without sacrifice manufactured goods values.He is very efficient at targeting their announcement for their viewing spectators. When developing advertisement for the Ford Probe, Ford consulted with a psychologist who bases produce color advice on the theory that confident colors and shades appeal to women more than men. Based on the proposal presented by the psychologist, Ford ran announcement with hot red tinted cars for gents and cooler highlighted cars for women. Through their advertisements, Ford is announces that they have attained a high level of excellence and their goods are technologically superior.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Socrates s Theory Of Knowledge - 895 Words
In Phaedo, Socrates argued that knowledge is not learned, but recollected. Socrates used the example of sticks and stones, proving that our perception of the stones change. The stones may look equal from one angle, but different from another angle. This proves that we understand Equality, but Equality does not exist in the real world because it cannot be a real object. Socrates stated â€Å"we must then possess knowledge of the Equal before that time we first saw the equal objects and realized that all these objects strive to be like the Equal but are deficient in this [...] we must have possessed knowledge of the equal itself if we refer our senses perception of equal objects to it†(Plato, 75a-75b, pp. 113). Socrates believed that this knowledge, just as Equality, was not gained through our senses in our lifetime, but was present before our birth. When we use this knowledge, we are not learning, we are actually recollecting. In Plato’s analogy of the divided line, Soc rates and Glaucon discuss the ways in which we access knowledge. Socrates gives an example of the divided line, the line is divided into the intelligible and the visible. The visible is accessed through our senses, they are the reflections and shadows, which are version of the object. These reflections and shadows are the least reliable. In the visible world, there are also opinions. Opinions are formed through the interaction of objects, but they are not reality. The other side of the line is the intelligible,Show MoreRelatedSocrates s Theory Of Knowledge1130 Words  | 5 PagesIn Socrates’ work, Phaedo, transcribed by Plato, Socrates is in jail after loosing his trial. He has been sentenced to death, and is now awaiting to be put to death. On the day of his death, Socrates is visited by a few of his followers who have been loyal for a long time. Fearing his death, they have a last conversation with Socrates trying to get some of the last philosophical knowledge out of hi m that they can get. In this conversation, Socrates tells his interlocutors a lot about life and virtueRead MoreSocrates s Theory Of Recollection1216 Words  | 5 PagesI will show that Socrates answer to Meno s paradox was unsuccessful. First, I will explain what Meno s paradox is and how the question of what virtue is was raised. Second, I will explain Socrates attempt to answer the paradox with his theory of recollection and how he believes the soul is immortal. Third, I will provide an argument for why his response was unsuccessful. This will involve looking at empirical questions, rather than non-empirical questions and how Socrates theory of recollectionRead MorePlato s The Meno, A Greek Philosopher And The Wisest Of All People1216 Words  | 5 PagesPaper 11/4/14 Topic 1 In Plato’s The Meno, Socrates, who was a Greek philosopher and considered one of the wisest of all people expresses his views on the relationship between knowledge and virtue. In todays era, virtue is defined as having good morals as a human being. Knowledge is defined as factual information and skills that are acquired by a person through experience or education. Together Socrates makes a statement and or beliefs, that virtue is knowledge because if you know what is right, youRead MoreSocrates Vs. Plato : The Essential Themes Of The Meno1633 Words  | 7 Pagesessential themes of the Meno, largely because the dialogue sits nearly at the beginning of western philosophy. Socrates and Plato are working not so much in the context of previous philosophies as in the context of the lack of them. Further, this is very probably one of Plato s earliest surviving dialogues, set in about 402 BCE (by extension, we might presume that it represents Socrates at a relatively early stage i n his own thought). Nonetheless, in order to understand the aims and achievementsRead MoreIs Plato s Theory Of Recollection A Plausible Solution For Meno s Paradox Of Knowledge?960 Words  | 4 Pages1301.001 Word Count: Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection a plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? The general topic is Plato’s theory of recollection. Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection the plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? Throughout many of his dialogues Plato often concludes that we cannot know something through our senses. He often concludes that we became acquainted with our knowledge in a previous existence. In Meno, Socrates states that, â€Å"As the soul is immortalRead MoreSocrates And Aristotle s Life1491 Words  | 6 Pages forming a foundation upon which Western philosophers build to the present day. Socrates and Aristotle were two key individuals credited for their roles in the advent of Classical philosophy. Men in ancient Greece lived relatively privileged lives (save for war, disease, and lack of indoor plumbing), giving rise to a class of people able to devote time to leisurely pursuits and intellectual inquiry. Indeed, Socrates and Aristotle were far from the only free men in ancient Greece to contemplate truthRead More Plato s Theory Of Recollection1373 Words  | 6 PagesThe general topic is Plato’s theory of recollection. Is Plato’s Theory of Recollection the plausible solution to Meno’s Paradox of Knowledge? Throughout many of his dialogues Plato often concludes that we cannot know something through our senses. He often concludes that we became acquainted with our knowledge in a previous existence. In Meno, Socrates states that, â€Å"As the soul is immortal, has been born often, and has seen all things here and in the underworld, there is nothing which it has not learned;Read MorePlato, An Ancient Greek Philosopher1458 Words  | 6 PagesGreek society. He was a free thinker and lived in a free city, Athens. He was taught by multiple teachers including Socrates who was frequently mentioned in his writings as the central character. Plato’s novel, The Republic, influenced the idea of government and shows his views on the world. Throughout his personal life, writings, and dialogues, Plato shows his value of knowledge and how each of his writings impacted the morals of people in the society. Plato was born in 427 BCE in Athens whichRead MoreSocrates World Views1549 Words  | 7 PagesSocrates Paper The goal of this paper is to discern and construct the world views of Socrates through the various readings, lectures and videos that we have seen in class. Some of these sources include: Socrates by G. Rudebusch; excerpts from The Last Days of Socrates by Plato; and The Allegory of a Cave. Of the nine world views covered in class, I will delve into my interpretation of four of them as seen through the various sources that we have been exposed to in class. These four world views willRead MoreAnalysis Of Aristotle s The Golden Mean 1109 Words  | 5 Pageshuman knowledge in existence during his time, and he was the founder of many new fields. Aristotle was one of the most influential of the ancient Greek philosophers. Aristotle s theory of the Golden Mean was found in his work, Nicomachean Ethics. This theory has also been expressed by other philosophers and in mythological tales, specifically the tale of Daedalus and Icarus. Others ways this theory has been expressed is inscribed at the temple of Delphi, Theano, student of Pythagoras, Socrates and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Editing and Montage Film - 638 Words
â€Å"Once I understood that editing is crucial to how a film is made, I was hooked. Imagine: placed in your hands is fantastic raw footage that 250 people have created during shooting. You and the director are then allowed to sculpt this raw material into something that has structure, rhythm and pace, that builds characters, that creates dramatic peaks and lows and that hopefully has a good ending. Editing is an incredibly rewarding profession. Film editing is described, when typed in to google as â€Å"the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film†`but it is much more than just that. If done well it is invisible but also has the ability to control a film, even control the viewer watching the film. The process of editing film has been around nearly as long as film itself. After the cinema of attractions, people realised a narrative story could be constructed by splicing ends of celluloid together to tell a story. The most famous early example of this is The Great Train Robbery (1903) directed by Edwin S. Porter. Before Porters film the cinema of attractions consisted of single shot films of streets and crowded areas, projected later that day so that the people could see themselves on the big screen. As the 1900’s marched on so did editing and montage. The Great Train Robbery had established that it was possible to create a narrative by cutting film. The next decade would build on that and establish rules which apply to films today. OneShow MoreRelatedFilm As An Art Form1643 Words  | 7 Pagesimported and old Russian films in cinemas soon increased, paving the way for emerging Soviet directors to produce new films. This movement, although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as an art form. A method of this was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. Both Sergei Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin are key directors and theorists of the Soviet film industry who used the freedom of editing to create new exciting theories of montage which have been implementedRead MoreMontage From The Soviet Era Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesMontage The use of montage dates back to the days of Eisenstein and it has greatly transformed the film industry in several major ways. Montage has been used in the film industry to combine several series of short shots into a continuous film that can be watch by audience. This essay is aimed at illustrating the history of Montage from the Soviet era in the 1930s especially the use of the Soviet montage theory to better the quality of films that we watch today. The connotation of the word â€Å"montage†Read MoreFilm As An Art Form1721 Words  | 7 Pagesand old Russian films in cinemas soon increased, this lead the way for emerging soviet directors to produce new films. This movement although censored by the government, wanted to be free to experiment with film as an art form. A method of this, was viewing editing as a tool instead of a necessity. Sergei Eisenstein is one of the key directors and theorist in soviet film; the work of Vsevolod Pudovkin also. Both used the freedom of editing, to create new exciting theories of montage, to which canRead MoreThe Technique Of Film Video Editing History Theory And Practice1100 Words  | 5 PagesTechnique of Film Video Editing History Theory and Practice we can clearly see how editing has changed from the earliest films, when editing was nonexistent to a time when the camera never moved when shooting a scene to a time where you can use montage concepts to make a film more dynamic for the viewer. These were all different stages editing has gone through to get to the point where can use editing as a story telling tool which is just as important as the any other part of creating a film. EdwinRead MoreDo The Right Thing Analysis1257 Words  | 6 Pagescontribute to the significance of a film. Cinematography, is one important element in which the camera is used to capture visual images through a number of other controllable elements such as; camera lens, framing, scale, movement etc. Editing is another fundamental component of film studies in which different shots are put together in a coherent sequence in order to make meaning of a film. In the film â€Å"Do The Right Thing†by Spike Lee, cinematography and editing serve as critical components to emphasizeRead MoreMotivational Essay : An Interview With Film Editor Walter Murch1391 Words  | 6 PagesMOTIVATIONAL ESSAY JOURNAL ALEXANDROS PATERIMOS 21700191 EDITING Y1 T1 SUMMARIES OF READINGS: AN INTERVIEW WITH FILM EDITOR WALTER MURCH: †¢ to make a convincing action sequence: - approximately 14 different camera angles/minute needed - too many more/less than 14 will disengage audience †¢ perceiving brain reacts differently to new visual info than to something seen before †¢ engaging dialogue scenes need approximately 4 different camera angles/minute - too many more will make it hard for audienceRead MoreLev Vladimirovich Kuleshov and The Moscow Film School Essay918 Words  | 4 PagesWhen film first started gaining popularity, it want’s as obvious that be connecting two different images, we would assume their relation. Film simply document events that occurred, it wasn’t until the enterprising pioneers of early cinema took hold that they began to manipulate their audience into following a story their way and feeling it in those exact steps. Lev Vladimirovich Kuleshov a Soviet filmmaker and film theorist in the 1920s who taught at and helped establish the world’s first film schoolRead MoreClassical Movie Theories And Realism1433 Words  | 6 PagesOption 2 Classical film theories are generally divided into two main camps. They have been categorized as Formalism and Realism. The formalist approach looks at the structure and form of the film. It analyzes the method by which the story materializes and how it forces the viewer to react based on the way it is presented. It incorporates character development, photographic composition, camera movement, set design, editing, etc. to that end. The realist approach scrutinizes how a film represents â€Å"realityRead MoreWho was Vsevold Pudovkin? Essay1467 Words  | 6 PagesGriffiths film â€Å" Intolerance†he was inspired to follow film. He applied to the Sate Institute of Cinematography at Moscow in 1919. However in 1919 film was still a very young art form and ideas and techniques that are commonplace today were just being developed at that time. Pudovkin most influential role in the world cinema was his theories on editing. He recorded that editing is an aspect of film art form, w hich completely different compared to other forms of art. He believed editing shots togetherRead MoreHow Did The Odessa Steps Sequence Influence The Theory Of Montage1144 Words  | 5 Pagestheory of montage in film? The Battleship Potemkin, is a soviet film directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1925. Sergei Eisenstein was a brief student at The Kuleshov Workshop, which was a class run by Soviet filmmaker, Lev Kuleshov at the Moscow Film School. The school was established in 1919, and is the world’s first film school. The Kuleshov Workshop explored the effects of juxtaposition in film, and how sequential shots convey a specific meaning. Kuleshov and his students analyzed many films for research
Education And Capitalism Free Essays
Max Weber was a German sociologist and economist who contributed very much on economic and quite a durable and brilliant work on administrative system. Maxweber tried to provide ways to the people through which they could avoid oppression by suggesting ways and means like inciting people to encourage others to work hard and develop enterprises as well as making investments. This could enable them to grow economically. We will write a custom essay sample on Education And Capitalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now He also established theories like bureaucracy that addressed to better administrative methods that involved no authoritarianism. Capitalism. This can be defined as a means through which economic relations involving production means are organized. These may include enterprises, firms, knowledge or factories. A theory is a systematic organized knowledge as thought that explains some phenomena. It is an endeavour to understand each and a rational explanation of how something is put together or why it works and why it works that way. An idea is a concept, notion that one has on something. Capitalism according to Weber came into existence when the Protestants put influence on so many people to get motivated in working and work hard, developing so many big and prosperous enterprises. They also encouraged the people to participate largely in trade and make savings for investment. I also suppose that availability of free markets and opportunities for innovation are guaranteed. This essay is going to express the theories and ideas that were manifested on education and capitalism by Max Weber. Discussion. Max Weber suggested that strength of capitalism in a country or state is determined mainly by the power manifested by the country or state. This means that more powerful countries have stronger controls over their education and hence their education systems are well established and very worth. They also have a wide control over their worker regulations and therefore in relation to education, educational staff is well treated and motivation is ensured. This leads to improvement in education. According to Weber, capitalism evolved when the protestant ethnic influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. If a few become systematic in pursuit of money, others will end up as their employees. Max Weber’s theory of capitalism being a very strong tool used by the people to develop economically as well as socially has a very strong influence on education. This is related in that more educational institutions will be established in line with strong and stable economy. In addition, more people will be able to access education and this result to a more learned society where technology and innovation will be in abundant. Max Weber’s idea that bureaucracy should be ended in firms and such as industries and educational institutions that impacted a lot on education. Workers in educational institutions could now work freely without intimidation and even merit was employed in employment. Max Weber also is for the idea that capitalism in a major power system that any society or organization adapts. When adapted by a school which is an organization, a lot of activities like research and teaching will be on their way up. The capitalists also have a strong influence on the government and funding will be provided to the learning institutions. Funding to research activities will also be possible and hence growth in the learning institutions will be experienced. According to Max Weber’s ideas, capitalists were very hardworking people committed to seeing growth in economy and investing widely. Job opportunities were thus provided to those who acquired education and this led to very fast growth of learning institutions, both lower and higher. Generally, Max Weber’s ideas and theories have revealed that capitalism had many positive outcomes on education. The fact that it involved strong education to working hard towards economic and social growth, suggests that a strong base was built for development of education. Through establishment of strong economic base, it has been established that funding to the educational institutions was easy and this enabled conducting of researches building of learning resources like laboratories and acquisitions of learning materials to be very easy (Weber, 1978). He also goes further to address on the social, political and economic functions that resulted as evidenced in the increasing sense of conflict between individuals and organizations like schools. He used bureaucracy theory to do this and this led to a fairer, more impartial, more predictable, more rational and orderly organizational systems (Whimster, Sam, Lash, 1987). The workers in the educational systems could now be comfortable in their work. Authoritarianism in the capitalistic institutions was very much avoided. For a state or country that has a very strong capitalism, it has been established that their education background and development is quite easy since financial support is readily available. Mawebers theories and ideas on education and capitalism are still relevant to presently society. This is evidenced by the fact that those countries and states that have a strong economic growth are the ones likely to have prospered well in education. This is depicted in the technologies and innovations that are available in a country or a state (Political Writings, 1994). However, this does not lock out those developing countries. Capitalism is still taking effect in this countries and education on way up. This suggests that at one point t, these countries will be well established and education systems and background will be strong. Capitalism is a very strong tool in every society and it is this capitalist that influences the formation of policies and rules in any organization, institutions like schools as well as the entire governments. (Joseph, Jonathan (2003). They do this in capacity of politicians in the presently society making laws, policies and implementation still have a very strong influence from the politicians. Capitalism according to Maweber led to a strong economic base, which saw establishment of so many business enterprises and organizations. This led to increases need for labour and as a result many people had to provide labour in the enterprises something, which led to most people dropping their education. This is a negative effect of capitalism on education. Capitalisms also according to Maxweber insisted on division of labor (Runciman, 1972). This led to participation of the workers and consequently decline in performance. Conclusion. Capitalism as have been found out had and still has a very strong impact on education. Through capitalization, education finds a very strong base on which it grows to reach most of the people. This is ensured by strong economic ground that capitalism establishes whereby people as a result can access all the requirements necessary for acquiring education. Resources like learning materials are easily available and also schools and other learning institutions are widely established. Through capitalism, education is able to thrive very well and this means that people get educated which can be explained in terms of technological advancement of a country or state. This educated people will be able to discover new things through conducting researches as well as innovating new ideologies. Capitalism has also contributed to job opportunities through education. For example people learn new ideas and ways of doing things from maybe industries or other business enterprises. Those who pass knowledge to these people are themselves employees of these organizations and have acquired their jobs through intensified capitalism. Although capitalism somehow affected education earlier in that most people ended into providing labour in developing enterprises and industries failing to access education, the positive impacts are much more. Capitalism thus have a very great positive impact on education. How to cite Education And Capitalism, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Macbeth Themes Essays (555 words) - Characters In Macbeth
Macbeth Themes William Shakespeare, in his tragic play Macbeth, written in 1606, dramatizes the unrelenting power of deception, insanity, and greed which ultimately results in the demise of Macbeth. Macbeth allowed his desire to become king overrule his judgement which consummately terminated his existence. The play is full of pestilence and set in Scotland during the eleventh century. In Macbeth, sleeplessness is an important motif that permeates the dramatic structure. Shakespeare uses this fatigue to substantiate the guilt of Macbeth, to represent subconscious insanity, and to show a foreshadowing of bad things to come. The motif serves to dramatize the true overview of how the characters are handling the various tragedies that occur. Initially, the motif of sleeplessness is used as a model of foreshadowing. For example, in Act II, scene i, Banquo finds it hard to sleep the night Macbeth is supposed to kill King Duncan. This is evidence that evil things will occur throughout the play. Furthermore, in Act II, scene ii, while Macbeth was killing Duncan, Malcolm and Donalbain arose in their sleep. One laughed and the other "cried murder." This is their sleeplessness foreshadowing because Duncan was dead, even though the brothers did not know it yet. Shakespeare's use of the sleeplessness motif as foreshadowing allows the reader to get a concept of what evil will come in the future. Not only does Shakespeare use sleeplessness for foreshadowing he also uses it as a mode of guilt. For example, in Act II, scene ii, Macbeth thinks he hears a voice say, "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!" This is Macbeth imagining voices, telling him not to sleep because he is feeling immoral and liable for Duncan's murder. Next, Macbeth is afraid to sleep peacefully because he knows that Duncan is "in restless ecstasy"(Act III, scene ii). Apparently, Macbeth is aware of his wrongdoing and feels culpable that he is king and alive, but only at the sacrifice of Duncan. By using guilt to show sleeplessness, Shakespeare shows that a corrupt crime can only leave the mind unsure and unable to rest. The most significant aspect of this motif, however, is how it is used to demonstrate the insanity of Macbeth and his wife. For instance, in Act II, scene iv, Macbeth is at dinner with Lennox, Ross, and other lords. He sees ghosts and is apparently insane. This proves that all the sleep in the world could never clear Macbeth of his crime, he is already destroyed. In addition, Lady Macbeth sleep walks and hallucinates a spot of blood on her hands in Act V, scene i. This proves that she has gone crazy as well. She cannot sleep because she is trying to remove the spot, which represents guilt. The strong use of insanity as a moving force in the play causes the reader to understand that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth cannot rid themselves of their evil deeds. The play demonstrates that the subconscious can allow evil things to occur. The sleeplessness motif is significant because it shows how the characters in the play deal with their stresses. The eerie use of sleeplessness added to the guilt of the characters, the foreshadowing of evil supplied a dark sensation, and the irony of insanity showed that the character's souls could not handle the calamitous situations. Macbeth could not sleep because he was too guilt-ridden, which eventually drove him to the breaking point. Macbeth's fate, foretold by the witches, finally caught up to him and after his frighteningly sleepless nights, he was now engrossed by the eternal sleep called death.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
8 Hilarious Truck Signs Spotted On the Road
8 Hilarious Truck Signs Spotted On the Road 1. Straight and to the point!â€Å"Don’t Like Trucks? Stop Buying Shit. Problem Solved!†2. You better check yourself, before your car wreck yourself.â€Å"This Vehicle Makes Wide Ass Turns†3. Got Milk?â€Å"Keep Back 500 FT. We Aren’t Hauling Milk!†4. Bonus point on being as smelly as a regular school bus!â€Å"Caution, Stool Bus†5. It’s always funny to give Kanye a bad rap.â€Å"Chicago’s Best Wrappers. Sorry Kanye†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 6. Really? I did not know that†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Packing Tape Should Not Be Used For Painful Practical Jokes.†7. Time is still tough for truck driversâ€Å"Driver carries less than $50 cash and is fully naked†8. Mmmh, thanks for the heads up.â€Å"If you want to get past, you had better be fast, because I’ve got a truck, and I don’t give a **ck!†All images via
Monday, March 2, 2020
The power of building relationships at work
The power of building relationships at work For most of us in the work world, our jobs aren’t exactly solo missions. Unless you’re a one-person show or your own boss in a lean start-up, chances are you’re part of a team, one whose members all utilize their individual abilities and skill sets collaboratively in pursuit of a common goal- to ensure the success of your company. Most of us will have opportunities to work with a wide range of people and personalities over the course of our careers. Some we get along with right off the bat; some we learn to appreciate and work well with over time; and some we might not nominate for â€Å"person of the year,†but we make an effort to not let differences get in the way of doing our jobs with them effectively. If you’ve spent any amount of time in the workplace, you’ve likely come to realize that building and maintaining solid relationships with coworkers is not only beneficial, it’s absolutely essential.Bonding makes us work harderBuildi ng and maintaining positive relationships is a huge contributing factor to our satisfaction, productivity, and success at work. Harvard Business Review recently reported that â€Å"When people feel like they belong at work, they are more productive, motivated, engaged and 3.5 times more likely to contribute to their fullest potential, according to our research at the Center for Talent Innovation.†It can also mean the difference between getting chosen for new work opportunities and promotions and getting passed over for someone else with a more enviable work profile.Simply put, connections in life and at work matter, and those of us who are viewed as team players and have lots of strong relationships with colleagues- including higher ups, peers at the same level, and subordinates- are best positioned for long-term happiness and success.Work life has a large effect on overall moodBeyond these obvious work relationship benefits, people simply crave positive connections with the people whom they work with and interact on a regular basis. Humans are social animals after all, and we thrive when we feel we’re accepted and appreciated by others; conversely, we’re susceptible to a range of negative effects when we fail to forge significant connections with others, including unhappiness; decreased energy, motivation, and enthusiasm; and depression- and it isn’t hard to envision the unfortunate ripple effect this can have on your satisfaction and performance at work.Working well with others is often mandatoryThere are also practical reasons for building good relationships with your colleagues. Most of us work on projects and initiatives that span coworkers, teams, and departments, which means that your success is tied to your ability to collaborate effectively with your fellow stakeholders. Strong positive relationships typically bode well for project success, while tension between colleagues can be a real impediment to successfully completing a project on target.  Hopefully, by now, it’s clear that building positive relationships at work can benefit you in a host of ways, and that it’s in your best interest to make this a real goal- both to improve your happiness and well-being at work as well as to improve your chances of long-term career satisfaction and success. So, make an effort to enhance your professional network and forge solid connections with your coworkers and you’ll be sure to reap the benefits!
Saturday, February 15, 2020
External Resource Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
External Resource Management - Case Study Example No doubt, Ron has done the work delegated to him by the section head in the proper working order. But we are not informed that Simon is aware of Fred Gibson's requisition. Hence, a conflict can arise here, as Simon would think that Ron has taken the initiative to hire the vending machine, because he saw only the usual contract letter, sent to him by Ron for authorising the hire. Purchasing department has its own rules and regulations of weighing the commodity and grouping the supplies. "To bring the user and supplier in direct contact, purchasing must establish the business framework. The buyer researches each commodity and groups the items by family or by possible sources of supply," Harding 1990, p.119). Ron's mistake, although could be unknown to him, is that he did not inform Simon that the vending machine was according to instructions of Fred Gibson, who found the deal cheap and reasonable at only 32 per week as hiring charges. Fred has recommended that Snackshop Vending Machine should be hired from one of the known suppliers, A B Drinks System. Fred, in his requisition slip has also mentioned that he has already spoken to the said suppliers and Mr. Pearce, the Sales Executive of the potential suppliers has agreed to pay 625 for the old snacks vending machine that is being currently used on site and Fred has clearly recommended that the weekly rent and purchase of old machine, both are on the side of their company, and should be attended to immediately. To Simon, this has come in the most unconventional way and not as the usual purchasing function as part of supply chain. "The purchasing function should ensure an optimal supply system, which must be geared towards the needs of production and materials planning. In other words, the purchasing function is a very important link in the production and supply chain of organisation," Weele (2002, p.25). In many traditional organisations, managers do not realise that Procurement management need not be always 'by the book'. It can change in many ways and the main logic behind its constant change is the ultimate service and ethical profit for the company and within this framework, there could be many different approaches. "The overall conclusion must be, however, that there is no simple blueprint which can be applied to successful procurement management. One cannot argue that collaboration is superior to competition, or that partnership sourcing and just-in-time offer a simple route to success," Lamming and Cox (1995, p.20). But many managers like Simon do not look at it from that angle. In the capacity of General Manager, Fred Gibson is within his rights while handling the issue. Perhaps he went slightly wrong in not going through proper channel. Usually people like Simon are conventional while dealing with other people at work place. They usually feel threatened to go out of the written rules. They do not like to create precedents, as they are unsure of workers' temperament. They will be apprehensive about further demands of workers, if more liberty is granted to them. They are usually insecure in their places and guard the connected prestige and hierarchy with great zeal and changing these attitudes is not always easy. "The real problem is to get people to fundamentally change their behaviour so that they become the actors who will operate in such a way that 'best practice'
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Individual Assessment of the Inquiry-Guided Learning Team Project Personal Statement
Individual Assessment of the Inquiry-Guided Learning Team Project - Personal Statement Example The United Nations comprises of the International Court of Justice, General Assembly, Trusteeship Council, Secretariat, Economic and Social Council and the Security Council. Unlike the League, United Nations membership comprises all the major world sovereign states except Vatican City, and focuses on peacekeeping operations. The process towards United Nations membership entails the fulfillment of the requirements as outlined in the United Nations Charter. The Security Council reviews the application then recommends the applicant for membership to the General Assembly who approves or declines the membership. The two World Wars created conflicts that called for peace initiatives in preserving international relations. In this regard, the team project embarked on assessing initiatives for peace through diplomacy in relation to the League of Nations and the United Nations. The team then designed an inquiry project on how the United Nations carries on with the aims of the League. Through a document-based research, the team conducted an inquiry into the peace problem and documented the findings in writing as well as presenting them orally in class (Kaabi et al. 1-4). Class presentation became an interactive and interesting activity that provided a wider insight into the inquiry and presentation of the ideas. The power point presentation outlined the most significant elements of the findings thereby providing ease and continuity of the presentation of ideas. Writing a collective paper entails both positive and negative implications on team members and the overall results of the project. Teamwork eased the pace at which inquiry would be achieved, its documentation and oral presentation as well as the collection of diverse ideas from different team members. On the contrary, teamwork could be time consuming in terms of conducting documentary research and all members on the topic under study must reach documentation since an agreement. Also, harmonizing each
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Killer Angels by Michael Shaara Essay -- Essays Papers US Civil War Es
Killer Angels by Michael Shaara Most people think of the Civil War as a military battle between the North and South. Without studying the subject, they do not appreciate the facts that make up this historical event. When one reads the novel, Killer Angels, the reader is given a much better perception and understanding of what actually happened during the war. Killer Angels, by Michael Shaara, is a realistic historical depiction of the great battle of Gettysburg, which left 50,000 Confederate and Union soldiers dead, wounded, or missing. The novel is set up in chronological order of events that took place during the four days of the bloody and decisive battle of the Civil War. The tale is told from an alternating north and south perspective. In this manner, readers can have a good mental picture of how each event came about. It even shows maps for a better understanding of each step the North and South took. It is clear where each of the battles were taking place and why the generals try to use the land for their own advantage. It was very interesting to read about the different strategies and tactics the generals utilized in the attempted destruction of their enemies. The well-deserved rave reviews that litter the front and back covers drew me to it, but Shaara's powerful writing style and stunningly human characters drew me into it. Shaara has an amazing ability to portray the major players of the battle, whose real personalities must have since been lost over a...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Culture Of Madness Essay
The article â€Å"The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder†by Allan Young can be seen as partly being history and the other part being ethnography. It details on how Post Traumatic Stress Disorders among Vietnam veterans was treated. Young clearly brings out the methods used for treatment, the group therapy as well as the diagnostic sessions. These according to him were interventions that he got to personally witness hence first hand source of information. It during his two year stay in Vietnam that the author familiarizes himself with the various professionals working in the hospitals as well as with the patients and in turn gets a first hand glimpse of their post war experiences. The existing boundaries between the patients and the medical personnel were seen as being very unclear same to that between the victimizer and the victims as these groups suffered from PTSD. Allan Young is of the view that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is man made. He therefore tries to explain the role that society and medicine has played in building this disorder. The book rich fully describes PTSD development within the American psychiatric system. He relates this disorder to the political as well the social context. The book has been marked as that that significantly contributes to medicinal and scientific history. According to Young, memories have been seen to be a great cause of harm in some individuals. This is because of their ability to cause sadness, remorse, horror, fright and even a feeling of complete loss. Individuals facing such experiences have been said to be suffering form a condition known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The author in this case traces this disorder back to the veterans in Vietnam, to the early beginnings when thoughts relating to the unconscious mind emerged as well as to earlier times that marked the initial occurrence of traumatic hysteria. The author is of the idea that that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not a newly discovered phenomenon but a cultural occurrence that has evolved over the years and that has resulted from the various practices, narratives, technoilogies and practices (Young, 1995). It is through these factors that professionals and other institutions are able to make diagnosis, study as well as treatment for the disorder. Young is of the idea that fear, trauma and grief have over the years continue to evolve in various forms and for many different reasons. The modern society has been said to have a great influence in the promotion of the disorder mainly as a result of the various diagnostic precisions, complicated modern experimental methods as well as institutional pressures. One major contradiction however arises from these views; it is true and obvious that PTSD is real and that many real people suffering from the disorder are real. Agreeing that the disorder is ac product of history means that it is unreal. The fact about PTSD is empirically brought out by its position in the lives of people as well as by the collective and personal investments made on it. Viewing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the outside, Allan Young fails to powerfully highlight on the day to day methods and clinical data used in dealing with PTSD patients. The author however presents numerous traditional medical practices. The author does not give practical interventional strategies for this disorder. The article can be seen as one that makes a remarkable contribution to the medicine and medical anthropology and thus helps in making the various intervention measures and the development of solutions to occurring disorders. It creates room for more understanding and for further research to be done. Article 2. The Knot of the Soul: Postcolonial Conundrums, Madness, and the Imagination The article â€Å"The Knot of the Soul: Postcolonial Conundrums, Madness, and the Imagination†by Stefania Pandolfo brings out a case study involving a young and educated man in the early stages of psychosis, psychiatrist dealing with the disorder and the young man’s mother . The relationship between the young man and his mother is that of conflicts and therefore shaky. According to Pandolfo, the young man is not capable of inhabiting any tradition (Pandolfo, 2008). This means that he is in conflict with not just with his inner world but with the true, factual and conflicting truths of the Moroccan post colonial era. The existing inner conflicts in this case refer to that between the traditional and modern aspects of the world as well as that between native religion and modern science. The author brings out the experiences of the Moroccan people. In her study, Pandolfo refers to the sick young man as one who lives in a knot containing his French as well as Arabic understanding and communication modes related to the various subjective experiences. The problems with psychiatric treatment in Morocco can be traced back in history . the author creates a picture of the post colonial era and the experiences of the people during that time as well as the results of their horrific experiences. History can in this case be said to highly influence the sick young man’s condition with the post colonial traumas and grief as well as the lack of belongingness being major initiators. Pondolfo points out the patient’s need for care, recognition and for a listening ear while on the other hand finds it impossible to inhabit the various institutional and cultural references related to the healing process. This the author refers to as a conundrum whose attachment which is completely impossible to break. This conundrum he says deprives an individual of the ability to invoke the reference authority that assigns identity (pandolfo, 2008). According to Pandolfo, the state has not been able to provide proper and effective health care with the post colonial authorities making very little efforts to provide effective health care for the displaced ailing populations today; the provision of quality healthcare for the Moroccan citizens is marked with inequality and loopholes. Despite the colonial government’s goal to modernize medicine, it failed to plan for and even develop effective and functional social medicine. The author does not give a clear intervention measure or solution to the issue at hand and there fore leaves many unanswered questions as well as gaps in his ideas and perceptions. The ideas presented are however enriching to many anthropologists and can be used to develop workable, concrete and lasting solutions. The article is hence a useful contribution not just to anthropology but also to history. It also creates room for more research through the identification of the various gaps that can be identified. References Pandolfo, S. (2008) The Knot of the Soul: Postcolonial Conundrums, Madness, and the Imagination. London: University of California Press. Young, A. (1995) The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Urban Poverty in 18th Century America Depicted in Riis,...
With his book How the Other Half Lives, Riis offers the audience a glimpse into the unsettling and unnoticed reality of the urban poverty in America at the turn of the 19th century. Not only he revealed the dark side of the society, he also showed the urgent need for change. Riis used emotional as well as logical appeal to support his argument in favor of the need for a social reform. By combining powerful pictures and detailed annotations accounting the conditions of life in the New York, Riis made How the Other Half Lives unique and very effective in delivering his message and initiating a change. How the Other Half Lives served as a wake up call for the upper and middle class and installed a feeling of moral responsibility. Even though†¦show more content†¦Riis shows how society had long turned a blind eye to this less reality. As he informs the readers in How the other Half Lives, the upper classes had long harbored fear from the poor. This fact proved very useful for Riis as it gave him room to use fear-evoking arguments to convince the higher class that the social reform is essential for everyone’s good. Riis argued that the ever- growing poverty in America posed a high risk not only for immigrants living in the slums. He employed statistical data correlating the ever-growing poverty with the increase the crime rate as well as the rapid expansion of tenement, to warn the middle and high class that poverty is a serious risk for them too. Hi goes on to argue that the cholera epidemic showed Americans how devastating such widespread illness could be, especiall y in urban areas. He warned the middle and high class that the tenements were the hotbeds for such epidemics and reminded them that such deceases never discriminate but bring death to the rich and poor alike. In contrast to his fear evoking ways, Riis supports his case by arguing that poverty was nurture vs. nature issue rather than one of genetic hierarchy or anything else. In How the Other Half Lives he write that to certain extent, we are all creatures of the conditions that surround us, physically and morally,
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